
See our latest news posts here. Click on a news item below to read the full story.

Dying to Tell the Story

On 19 March 2024, Peter Greste, one of Australia’s most experienced foreign correspondents, delivered a talk at the University of...

Meta pulls the plug

Mark Zuckerberg, has announced that Meta (which includes Facebook and Instagram) will no longer pay Australian publishers for news. He...

Dramatic drop in ABC original content

New research shows that the ABC now presents 40% less Australian content than it did a decade ago. This impacts...

Podcast of the month: Double Take

Each month we will recommend a podcast – let us know your suggestions.

March 2024 news and updates

On 1 March our friends at ABC Alumni released a disturbing report that confirmed what we already suspected: there’s been...

ABC RMIT fact checking partnership ends. Will the new service fare better?

This year the ABC ended its seven year Fact Check collaboration with RMIT University, despite it being the most trusted...

Farewell Karen Tighe

The ABC has farewelled another popular female presenter, Karen Tighe, who has left as a result of illness. We look...

ABC Friends certainly made its presence felt at Adelaide Writers’ Week

As thousands of people enjoyed wandering around Adelaide Writers’ Week, listening to talks and purchasing books, ABC Friends were making...

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